Don’t miss out on this great deal at Target! Get Zantac Duo Fusion 20ct for FREE at Target after Target Cartwheel Offer and Printable Coupon! Grab your prints now before they run out and claim your savings!
$7.50 off one Zantac Duo Fusion Acid Reducer Antacid Product 20ct or 34ct Printable Coupon
Target Deal
Buy 1 – Zantac Duo Fusion 20ct for $8.49
Use 1 – $7.50 off one Zantac Duo Fusion Acid Reducer Antacid Product 20ct or 34ct Printable Coupon
And 1 – 30% off Zantac Duo Fusion 20ct with Target Cartwheel Offer (exp 5/28)
Final Price: FREE